Time to start planting in the right direction.
Our abundant Earth is singing to us much more quietly these days. Gone are the jubilant choirs of birds who harmonized—loudly—morning til night. Crickets play solo notes where once they serenaded in a symphony of thousands. Flowering trees once coated in thrumming bees are almost bare these days. Why this unsettling silence?
"More than 90% of our lands have been developed: Trees are cleared, highways paved, our air is polluted along with our waterways. In the past 30 years, we have lost more than 30% each of songbirds, of bees, of insects. We seem to be the only species on the planet that has not learned how to play well with all the “others.” Our methods of growing food, gardens, towns, and civilizations are all in direct conflict with every other living thing.
Fortunately, many people are waking up to the sound of this deafening silence and coming up with bold, practical, often simple ways to work in cooperation with Earth, instead of in competition with her. There is time. Each of us can make a difference! Come discover what you can do to reverse some of the damage we’ve done, and preserve the ecosystem for our future (and have some fun doing it!)" -Susan Knilans