Bigleaf maple - Acer macrophyllum

from $11.00

Plant type: tree
Mature height: 90 ft; mature spread: 75 ft
(10 yr height: 35 ft; 10 yr spread: 25 ft)
Growth rate: Fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally moist

  • Ecological function: 133 species of butterflies/moths use this as caterpillars! (Therefore: bird magnet!)

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Plant type: tree
Mature height: 90 ft; mature spread: 75 ft
(10 yr height: 35 ft; 10 yr spread: 25 ft)
Growth rate: Fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally moist

  • Ecological function: 133 species of butterflies/moths use this as caterpillars! (Therefore: bird magnet!)

Plant type: tree
Mature height: 90 ft; mature spread: 75 ft
(10 yr height: 35 ft; 10 yr spread: 25 ft)
Growth rate: Fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally moist

  • Ecological function: 133 species of butterflies/moths use this as caterpillars! (Therefore: bird magnet!)

These tree’s leave can get to a foot wide! In spring, makes small clusters of yellow flowers.

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Mountain balm (snowbrush) - Ceanothus velutinus
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