Cascara - Rhamnus (Frangula) purshiana
Plant type: tree
Mature height: 30ft; mature spread: 25ft
(10 yr height: 15ft; 10 yr spread: 10 ft)
Growth rate: slow
PPL: yes
Light - sun, part sun, full shade
Soil - moist to seasonally wet
Ecological function: birds love the berries (including band-tailed pigeons, robins, tanagers and grosbeaks). Pollinators (hummingbirds, native bees) visit the flowers. Supports caterpillars, which attract bushtits, kinglets, warblers, chickadees and others. Host plant for the caterpillars of gray hairstreak and swallowtail butterfly, as well as many moths.
Plant type: tree
Mature height: 30ft; mature spread: 25ft
(10 yr height: 15ft; 10 yr spread: 10 ft)
Growth rate: slow
PPL: yes
Light - sun, part sun, full shade
Soil - moist to seasonally wet
Ecological function: birds love the berries (including band-tailed pigeons, robins, tanagers and grosbeaks). Pollinators (hummingbirds, native bees) visit the flowers. Supports caterpillars, which attract bushtits, kinglets, warblers, chickadees and others. Host plant for the caterpillars of gray hairstreak and swallowtail butterfly, as well as many moths.
Plant type: tree
Mature height: 30ft; mature spread: 25ft
(10 yr height: 15ft; 10 yr spread: 10 ft)
Growth rate: slow
PPL: yes
Light - sun, part sun, full shade
Soil - moist to seasonally wet
Ecological function: birds love the berries (including band-tailed pigeons, robins, tanagers and grosbeaks). Pollinators (hummingbirds, native bees) visit the flowers. Supports caterpillars, which attract bushtits, kinglets, warblers, chickadees and others. Host plant for the caterpillars of gray hairstreak and swallowtail butterfly, as well as many moths.