Cattail - Typha latifolia

from $6.00
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Height: 4’ - 10’
Plant type: wetland perennial
Features: the classic pond plant with tall green blades and cigar-like flower clusters (Jun-Sep)
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - perennial wet to submerged

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Height: 4’ - 10’
Plant type: wetland perennial
Features: the classic pond plant with tall green blades and cigar-like flower clusters (Jun-Sep)
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - perennial wet to submerged

Height: 4’ - 10’
Plant type: wetland perennial
Features: the classic pond plant with tall green blades and cigar-like flower clusters (Jun-Sep)
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - perennial wet to submerged

Showy fleabane - Erigeron speciosus
from $6.00
Blue skullcap - Scutellaria lateriflora
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Bitterroot - Lewisia rediviva
Silver artemisia - Artemisia ludoviciana
from $6.00
Western trillium - Trillium ovatum
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