Hairy (pink) honeysuckle - Lonicera hispidula

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Plant type: deciduous flowering vine
Height: 1-15’
Features: groups of pink trumpet flowers (late spring) that turn to red berries. Will vine upward with some training. Can take more sun than the orange honeysuckle.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part shade, full shade

  • Soil - dry, moist, seasonally wet

  • Ecological benefits: hummingbird magnet! Berries attract grouse, pheasants, flickers, robins, thrushes, bluebirds, waxwings, grosbeaks, finches, and juncos. If you’re lucky, smaller birds may make nests among the branches!

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Plant type: deciduous flowering vine
Height: 1-15’
Features: groups of pink trumpet flowers (late spring) that turn to red berries. Will vine upward with some training. Can take more sun than the orange honeysuckle.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part shade, full shade

  • Soil - dry, moist, seasonally wet

  • Ecological benefits: hummingbird magnet! Berries attract grouse, pheasants, flickers, robins, thrushes, bluebirds, waxwings, grosbeaks, finches, and juncos. If you’re lucky, smaller birds may make nests among the branches!

Plant type: deciduous flowering vine
Height: 1-15’
Features: groups of pink trumpet flowers (late spring) that turn to red berries. Will vine upward with some training. Can take more sun than the orange honeysuckle.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part shade, full shade

  • Soil - dry, moist, seasonally wet

  • Ecological benefits: hummingbird magnet! Berries attract grouse, pheasants, flickers, robins, thrushes, bluebirds, waxwings, grosbeaks, finches, and juncos. If you’re lucky, smaller birds may make nests among the branches!

Pacific wax myrtle - Morella (Myrica) californica
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Douglas meadowfoam - Limnanthes douglasii
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Sitka willow - Salix sitchensis
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