Henderson's shooting star - Dodecatheon hendersonii


Height: 8 - 15”
Plant type: perennial flower
Features: Spectacular spring flower (Mar-Jun), appropriately named ‘shooting star’ as the lavender sepals are bent back. Goes completely dormant in summer. Can spread by division.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - dry

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Height: 8 - 15”
Plant type: perennial flower
Features: Spectacular spring flower (Mar-Jun), appropriately named ‘shooting star’ as the lavender sepals are bent back. Goes completely dormant in summer. Can spread by division.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - dry

Height: 8 - 15”
Plant type: perennial flower
Features: Spectacular spring flower (Mar-Jun), appropriately named ‘shooting star’ as the lavender sepals are bent back. Goes completely dormant in summer. Can spread by division.
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - dry

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