Red fescue - Festuca rubra
Height: 1 - 2’
Plant type: perennial grass
Features: a nice shorter grass that grows in vibrant green clumps and forms seeds with a hint of red. Dries a soft brown when it goes dormant in summer. Can be mowed or left untouched for a meadow-look. Shade tolerant and okay for livestock to graze, though not too palatable. Soil stabilizer, spreads by rhizomes.
PPL: no
Light - part to full shade
Soil - well-drained (but not a fussy plant on this subject)
Height: 1 - 2’
Plant type: perennial grass
Features: a nice shorter grass that grows in vibrant green clumps and forms seeds with a hint of red. Dries a soft brown when it goes dormant in summer. Can be mowed or left untouched for a meadow-look. Shade tolerant and okay for livestock to graze, though not too palatable. Soil stabilizer, spreads by rhizomes.
PPL: no
Light - part to full shade
Soil - well-drained (but not a fussy plant on this subject)
Height: 1 - 2’
Plant type: perennial grass
Features: a nice shorter grass that grows in vibrant green clumps and forms seeds with a hint of red. Dries a soft brown when it goes dormant in summer. Can be mowed or left untouched for a meadow-look. Shade tolerant and okay for livestock to graze, though not too palatable. Soil stabilizer, spreads by rhizomes.
PPL: no
Light - part to full shade
Soil - well-drained (but not a fussy plant on this subject)