Yellow monkeyflower - Mimulus guttatus

from $6.00

Height: 2’
Plant type: perennial
Features: yellow tubular flowers with red/brown dots Apr-Sep
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally wet

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Height: 2’
Plant type: perennial
Features: yellow tubular flowers with red/brown dots Apr-Sep
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally wet

Height: 2’
Plant type: perennial
Features: yellow tubular flowers with red/brown dots Apr-Sep
PPL: yes

  • Light - full to part sun

  • Soil - moist to seasonally wet

Blue-eyed grass - Sisyrinchium idahoense
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Black twinberry - Lonicera involucrata
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Cooley's hedge nettle - Stachys cooleyea
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Blue blossom (CA lilac) - Ceanothus thrysiflorus
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Dwarf CA poppy - Eschscholzia caespitosa
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