Scouler's willow - Salix scouleriana

from $11.00

Plant type: deciduous tree
Mature height: 40ft; mature spread: 40ft
10 yr height: 30ft; 10 yr spread: 30 ft
Growth rate: fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part sun

  • Soil - dry, moist to seasonally wet

  • Ecological functions: In the top 5 for caterpillar host plant for butterfly species!

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Plant type: deciduous tree
Mature height: 40ft; mature spread: 40ft
10 yr height: 30ft; 10 yr spread: 30 ft
Growth rate: fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part sun

  • Soil - dry, moist to seasonally wet

  • Ecological functions: In the top 5 for caterpillar host plant for butterfly species!

Plant type: deciduous tree
Mature height: 40ft; mature spread: 40ft
10 yr height: 30ft; 10 yr spread: 30 ft
Growth rate: fast
PPL: yes

  • Light - full sun, part sun

  • Soil - dry, moist to seasonally wet

  • Ecological functions: In the top 5 for caterpillar host plant for butterfly species!

Columbia tiger lily - Lilium columbianum
from $6.00
Western buttercup - Ranunculus occidentalis
Puget Sound gumweed - Grindelia integrifolia
Arrowleaf buckwheat - Eriogonum compositum
from $11.00
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Blue-eyed grass - Sisyrinchium idahoense
from $6.00